She was my sister for eighty two years, I called her Pinkie, smoetimes Sis, but in later years she became known as Peg, Peg Wallace, Sister, mother, grandmother, aunt, wife, friend, loved one.
When we were kids at the Observatory in the Andes of Peru, we were inseperable, playing with the horses, the chickens, the dog, with the American Yoder girls. Mother home-schooled us and Peg, two years older that I , learned to read first, managed arithmetic, and could remember all the works of the songs we like to sing. We learned Spanish, some Quechua and even invented a language between us which our parents couldn't understand...Those were happy childish days. As teenagers when we were back in Maryland, we sailed our Moth class sialboats in the Upper Severn, played tennis at the Indian Landing Boat Club. We fished and swan to a tiny island in Round Bay. By 1941 my dad and I had returned to Peru and that summer Pag and our mother came to the observatory. She had finished high school and was now a beautiful girl. My friend, Russ Coile was a physicist at the Observatory and was single. He quickly took a liking to her. They would drive to town, ride horse or just walk in the cool of the evening. The bombing of Pearl Harbor acelerated and changed everything. Within days Peg adn Russ when to Lima and were married. He became an officer and they moved back to the states with Peg a happy newly wed bride. The war years seperated us, but we were in touch. Peg had three boys, Chris, Rusty and Ben. When we lived in Connecticut Peg would visit. Later she would come to California to see us in Carpinteria. Our kids would say, " Aunt Pinkie is coming." They loved her. Once in a while I would come east and stay at Pegs home on 6th street in Eastport, She was happy there, loved the neighborhood, loved having the Bay at her feet and loved her little black cat, Tiny. Carol and I loved Peg (Pinky). I can't think fo her being gone... Pab, her brother